We wish to thank Brother/Companion Keith G. Harrison, Past National SUVCW Commander-in-Chief and, current National SUVCW and MOLLUS Webmaster, as well as all the artists/musicians for the use of their music on all the pages in our site. Viewers of this Internet Site may copy only the material designated with a mouse-over copy bar.
© 2009 The renderings and text of all historic and new graphic material were changed, enhanced, drawn, computerized and coded by G.A. Mierka, MFA, R.I. School of Design, and therefore are the private material of the artist, Camp 7, MOLLUS, the US Army or other resources. All material on this site may be printed for personal research purposes only. It is posted on the Internet intended as a public service for public educational, personal and family research only. It must "not" be used or reproduced in any manner for business or personal profit, or any other purpose without signed written permission by RI SUVCW Elisha Dyer Camp No. 7 and/or the authors and artists of this material, protected under US copyright law as well as all legal interpritations set forth by the US Library of Congress. This Site has built-in measures to try to insure all restrictions and creative integrity.
Thanks also to Robert Hunt Rhodes for allowing us to use some of his material about his ancestor, Elisha Hunt Rhodes and to Ken Burns for featuring E.H. Rhodes and our State's Civil War History in his PBS series on The Civil War. And a special thanks to Edwin Bearrs, David McCullough, Brian Pohanka, Jeff Shaara and Ron Maxwell for their support for Rhode Island Civil War History and raising the American conscience about the triumphs and tragidies of the Great War of the Rebellion 1861 to 1865. |